The Company Mottos represent the thoughts of the founder to be passed down through the generations.
Based on the ideology conveyed in our corporate motto, we express to all stakeholders the purpose of our corporate existence, our business domains, and our aspirations.
The TOTO Group wants to be an entity that constantly assumes a leading role in the realization of a sustainable society by creating added value, which is useful for society, and employment, as well as by autonomous and responsible actions through fair and free competition. To realize that, all people working for the TOTO Group strive to play an active role with a strong sense of duty based on the concepts indicated in the corporate motto and philosophy, and to fulfill their social responsibilities. The Charter of TOTO Group Corporate Behavior stipulates the basic stance of behavior of all people working for TOTO Group to realize all stakeholders' satisfaction.
This term expresses the intention of the most important matters to be implemented in the medium and long term for the sustainable growth of the TOTO Group.